How to Build Quality Link and gets top on search engine - does paid or free link exchange is favorable with Google

How to Build Quality Link and gets top on search engine

I come and share a topic about "How to Build Quality Link and gets top on search engine - does paid or free link exchange is favorable with Google ". Because, I've recently done my own research about getting top on number 1 in Google search engine result and how to get there naturally without spending single dime. However, the word without spending a single cents is very impossible, nowadays doing research is being costly, because everything we've using comes with money, the electric bill I spent, the cost or Internet bill as well, the cost for my snack and coffee, and my time. Some folks says, time is money, I agree with it.

By doing research I come across the internet reading about different topic coming from different people, organizations, experts, and newbies "How to get number one in Google search result, and Getting top on Yahoo, Bing, AOL, ASK, AltaVista search engine". And with no apparent reason, all of them is pertaining on the same techniques, tricks, and guidelines. The only differences between articles are the way they how author constructs sentences, and the way how writer explained the main subjects. As well as what I have here for is also same as those you have been read maybe a couple of years ago.

First, I found that a unique, well written article and quality post is a very important key or factor to become a successful internet marketer and your website become number one in every search query at search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more. However, how to write a high quality article or contents.

Second, having a quality pointing to your website is also a key to become number one in Google. A quality link is a link that has relevant to your topic article, not a spam-my link. For example your topic is all about Search Engine Optimization and the topic where a link come from is all about Search Engine Marketing Techniques, this link is relevant, meaning a quality link. However, if your topic is all about computers and the link is guitar or musical instrument, that become a poor quality link, poor quality may affect your website.

How to get this quality link?

A promising way to create value for your target group and earn great links is to think of issues or problems product users, internet visitors, or internet user might encounter. Product user, internet Visitors, or internet users are likely to appreciate your site and link to it if you publish a short tutorial, product reviews, solution to a problem, or might be a product problem or a video providing a solution, or a practical tool.

Also, survey or original research results can serve the same purpose, if they turn out to be useful for the target audience. Both methods grow your credibility in the community and increase visibility. This can help you gain lasting, merit-based links and loyal followers who generate direct traffic and "spread the word." Offering a number of solutions for different problems could evolve into a blog which can continuously affect the site's reputation in a positive way.

Does paid or free link exchange is favorable with Google

I think Google is not in favor with link exchange either paid or free. Because, Matt Cutts always said on Google webmaster “ I've never been in favor of link exchange."

What is an SEO or Search Engine Optimization?

I think SEO is a common sense, what have you plated today is what have you reap tomorrow.


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