Follow his disciples by trusting God’s will and providence

4th Week in Ordinary Time, Year I, Green

Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 / Ps 48:2-3ab. 3cd-4.9. 10-11 / Mk 6:7-13

Gospel Mk 6:7-13

He called the Twelve to him, and began to send them out two by two, giving them authority over evil spirits. And he ordered them to take nothing for the journey, except a staff: no food, no bag, and no money in their belts. They were to wear sandals and were not to take an extra tunic. And he added, “In whatever house you are welcomed, stay there until you leave the place. If any place doesn’t receive you, and the people refuse to listen to you, leave after shaking the dust off your feet. It will be a testimony against them.” So they set out to proclaim that this was time to repent. They drove out many demons and healed many sick people by anointing them.


“The preparation for the mission of the Twelve is seen in the call of the first disciples to be fishers of men (Mark 1: 16-20). The twelve were set apart to be with Jesus and receive authority to preach the Good News and expel demons. They were given the specific mission to exercise that authority in word and power as representatives of Jesus during the time of their formation.

In our present lives, Jesus is also asking ask to be his disciples. He want us to do our own mission of helping the poor, caring for the sick, and reaching out to those who still don’t know him. Just like the twelve, we would hang on to that walking stick, trust our fellow men and shake the dust of one’s feet from unresponsive towns.

In our Gospel today, Jesus wants us to follow his disciples by trusting God’s will and providence. We should also trust our fellow – Christians who can give us courage, support and prayer. Lastly, we should not be paralyzed and preoccupied with failure. If the Lord God gives us our mission, he will surely give us all the resources and grace to carry it out. “His will be done, not ours.”


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