How do I get started with my computer?
Getting Started contains a list of tasks you might want to perform when you set up your computer. Tasks in Getting Started include:
Transferring files from another computer
Adding new users to your computer
Backing up your files
Personalizing Windows
Click to open Getting Started.
These topics will help you get started with Windows 7. You can also go to the Windows website to learn more about setting up a computer.
Protect your computer
What is Action Center?
Install Windows updates
Why use a standard account instead of an administrator account?
Windows Firewall: recommended links
Back up your files
First week tasks
Connect to the Internet
Transfer files and settings from another computer
Create a user account
What you need to set up a home network
How can I tell if Windows is activated?
Windows Basics: all topics
Set up hardware and get drivers
What is a driver?
Install a printer
Find and install printer drivers
Installing new hardware: recommended links
Install programs
Install a program
Change which programs Windows uses by default
Make older programs run in this version of Windows
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