How to change your PSP 3000 or PSP G0 to Version 6.60 PRO-B9

Before you proceed or start the upgrade, please make sure that you have read this, " Never upgrade or update your system software higher than 6.60, if you need to play then download an ISO games. Furthermore, make sure that your battery charge is at least 78 percent charge, else upgrade will be terminated or upgrade will not be completed resulting a damage to your unit software."

If you are done reading the first sentence, then I am sure that your ready for the adventure of upgrade. Again on very first step before we proceed, I want to remind you again " make sure the system software is an original firmware running like 5.03, or 6.20 not 5.03 GEN-C, 6.30 PRO-B9, and the like". On this step you the only thing you do is to determined if your unit running original software.
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When you finish the first task, and you are truly sure that the unit running on an original firmware, then were ready to make big changes, we make your current version into newly PSP look, the 6.60 PRO-B9 version. Just follow the following instructions, first go to "GAME" then to "MEMORY STICK" and finally choose "PRO UPDATE" then press "X" then tap the button "X" again for the second time. At that point unit will restarted an system software comes "6.60 PRO-B9 version."

Second step has been done, we are now proceeding into the third and final steps, we call it 6.60 PRO-B Fast Recovery. First step on this phase, go to "GAME" then go to "MEMORY STICK" and finally choose "6.60 PRO-B FAST RECOVERY". Unit will restart, it takes sometimes after all.
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But if you experience the following like, game hang, unit auto shutoff, unit switch off, don’t worry calm down your not messing the whole as you think, all you have to do is to repeat the final step skip the first and second step.
And one more thing, just want to share a bit of information about PSP 6.60 PRO-B9. Do you know that this version have a feature called "PRO VSH MENU". It allows you to play dozen by changing "UMD ISO MODE" to "M33 driver". Also, if you want to play games with version higher than 6.60, choose "RECOVERY MENU" then "Configure", and then "Use Version.txt…", move left or right button to "ENABLE" it. But im warm you, "don’t change other settings if you don’t know what function it is, else your going to mess the whole thing".


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