Home Appliances Audio Video Area Mass Displaying Guide - Factors to Attract Customers

An Appliances Store that have a good display of product especially home entertainment appliances such as audio video, proven even before, its customers will please to look around. Here are my list on how you arrange your appliances store in order to maintain cleanliness and better product display arrangements.

Appliances Store Mass Displaying Guidelines

Mass display should have a back-to-back arrangement, in your appliances store, I order to conserve spaces put your display in that order, back to back.

Display should either be exclusive models of appliances or those with offers promotions such as FREE items. And, if there are any other appliances models displayed in the mass area displaying, better to take off that appliances display in that place, use segmentation approach. Having different models or appliances brand in one location makes your stored looks unprofessionally manage.

Area should have enough spaces in between each rack where customers can pass through, in order for your customers to look around freely, make sure you gave the enough space at your appliances store. Think they need and loved it.

Display items should not be too big that it almost covers the rack at the back. Having a display of an appliances on the front or on mass displaying is a good idea to attract customers on your appliances store. However, don’t compromise what you have at the back.

Every display appliances unit should have a correct price tag, customers always look for a prices as the first step or phase in buying process.

Promotional signage’s in acrylic standee should always be placed beside the appliance main unit prefer on the right side, think much better.

Free item must be placed beside or in front of the main appliances unit and should have a “FREE” signage or wobbler.

Demo players should be the same brand as the main appliances or home entertainment unit. If need of additional demo players, request immediately to merchandising through email. Also, in order to maintain cleanliness at your appliances store, cables should be properly arranged.

Every displayed appliances unit should have a season code sticker attached at the upper right side corner of the unit. This is to easily check the season code.

Items, racks & area should always be clean. Because, a clean and well maintain appliances store or any store attract more customers.



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