Make text easier to read using ClearType

ClearType font technology makes the text on your screen almost as sharp and clear as text that is printed on paper. It's on by default in this version of Windows.

To get the full benefit of ClearType, you'll need a high-quality, flat-panel monitor, such as LCD or plasma. Even on a CRT monitor, you might get some improvement in readability with ClearType.

To turn on ClearType
Click to open the ClearType Text Tuner.

On the first page of the tuner, select the check box next to Turn on ClearType and click Next to continue using the ClearType Text Tuner.

On the last screen of the tuner, click Finish to turn on ClearType and save your settings.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

For ClearType to be effective, you should have a video card and monitor that support a color setting of at least 256 colors. You'll get the best results with High color (24-bit) or Highest color (32-bit) support.

To tune ClearType
You can use the ClearType Text Tuner to adjust the legibility of the text on your screen to your visual preference.

Click to open the ClearType Text Tuner.

Make sure the check box next to Turn on ClearType is selected and click Next. On each screen, click the text sample that looks best to you.

On the last screen of the tuner, click Finish to save your settings.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.


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