How to care your Braces- Dentist Point of View

 Be careful in eating foods that are hard to bite into or tough to chew. This means apples, raw carrots corn on the cob, crusty bread, chicken, steak and the like. Take a knife and cut these foods into small slices. Eat a slice at a time. The force of biting into an apple, for instance, or in gnawing piece of a steak bone maybe big enough to break your braces. Again this will mean a longer treatment period for you. Popcorn and peanuts may be eaten provided you do not cram your mouth full and provided you do not eat the unpopped kernels. Corn on the cob must be scraped off the cob.

Do not throw away any loosen or broken braces. Immediately put the pieces in an envelope or wrap In a big sheet of paper. Label it and keep it safe. On your next appointment bring it with you. It takes only a short time to mend or to recement broken braces. If they are lost, we have to start from scratch.

Brush your teeth very well immediately after a meal. There is no sense in finished case of well lined-up but rotten teeth have many cavities that will have to be patched up, or worse still, removed and replaced with false ones, all this energy and expense- and discomfort to you- will have been useless.

Stay away from foods that are chewy or sticky. This means chewing gum, bubble gum, caramels, toffee, taffy, nougats, and the like. They will break your braces or pull the bands and wires off. This will mean a longer treatment period for you. They are not good for your teeth or for your body anyway.


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